[BlueOnyx:24301] Re: SiteAdmin that owns /web Default

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Thu Sep 17 00:14:37 -05 2020

Hi David,

> Is there a way to set the web owner to username when the vsite user is
> created?
> I see it can be changed to username, apache, nobody after the user is
> set up.

In the GUI go to the Vsite in question. Go to "User Management" of that
Vsite. Add a user to that Vsite and give the user "siteAdmin" privileges
by ticking the checkbox "Site Administrator".

Then (still in the GUI of that Vsite) go to "Services" / "Web
Ownership". Under "SiteAdmin that owns /web:" you now have the option to
set the owner of /web to one of the users with "siteAdmin" privileges.
Do so. Then save the changes.

Now use FTP. As that siteAdmin user you can now upload files to the /web
directory of that Vsite.

Under "Services" / "PHP" of that Vsite choose either PHP-FPM, suPHP or
"PHP (DSO) + mod_ruid2". PHP will then execute the PHP scripts as the
chosen siteAdmin-user. Also any files and folders that PHP scripts then
create will be owned by that siteAdmin-user and then be manipulated via
FTP as well.

This solves all PHP and FTP related access restrictions that you
typically might run into.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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