[BlueOnyx:24742] Re: EOL Centos 8? - AlmaLinux beta released

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Mon Feb 1 14:44:58 -05 2021

Hi all,

> AlmaLinux just released a Beta of their RHEL8 clone:
> https://www.reddit.com/r/AlmaLinux/comments/la7zy8/almalinux_beta_version_released_release_notes_and/
> I'm going to play around with it today.
> My first step will be to install a minimal AlmaLinux off their ISO and
> then install BlueOnyx 5210R onto it via our manual installation guide
> for CentOS 8: https://www.blueonyx.it/5210r-manual-install

Some running commentary on this while I'm at it:

I've just downloaded the AlmaLinux-8.3-beta-1-x86_64-minimal.iso from
https://repo.almalinux.org/almalinux/8.3-beta/isos/x86_64/ and installed
a server with it. That worked out of the box in the same fashion as
we're used to from the CentOS 8 ISO. No surprises.

I then performed a manual 5210R install via YUM using our existing guide:


That also worked out of the box with no surprises and results in a fully
working BlueOnyx 5210R.

AlmaLinux 8.3 is binary compatible to CentOS 8 and the only real
difference is that the "centos-release" RPM has been replaced with a
"almalinux-release" RPM that ties it into different upstream mirrors,
gives it a different name and introduces rebranded artwork.

[root at alma ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release
AlmaLinux release 8.3 Beta (Purple Manul)

Bottom line: This looks good and we have a new OS for 5210R that will
serve us until the upstream RHEL8 goes into EOL in 2029.

Next step? I'm now off trying to build a 5210R ISO based on the
AlmaLinux ISO.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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