[BlueOnyx:24788] Re: BlueOnyx 5208R yum error

kmrichardson at rogers.com kmrichardson at rogers.com
Sat Feb 20 10:06:24 -05 2021

Morning Michael,

Been running the Easy Migrate from 5208R to R5210 Centos 8 (AlmaLinux 8)
machine and the Migrate has been running 16 hours on one site
Is this normal? The migrate did two very small sites, then hit the third
large site and it's still running

[root at mail log]# ps ax | grep rsync
18832 ?        Ds    16:04 rsync --server --sender -logDtpre.LsfxC .
21046 pts/1    S+     0:00 grep rsync

Could it be an issue with AlmaLinux version? Should I just use the CENTOS 8
normal version and wait for the change to Alma later on?

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