[BlueOnyx:25026] Easy Migrate errors

Colin Jack colin at mainline.co.uk
Sun Jul 25 14:57:33 -05 2021

I’m trying to migrate from a 5207R server (upgraded in the past from 5107R) to a new 5210R server.

I am seeing the following .. finally ending with an error which stops the migration:

[INFO] User 'user1' created.                        [NameSpace] 'subdomains' Diff in NameSpace Email: do_not_reply 
Diff in NameSpace Email: do_not_reply_from 
'Email' 'ImapSync' 'Disk' 'SSH' 'Sites' 'RootAccess' 'Shell' 

[INFO] User 'user2' created.                         [NameSpace] 'subdomains' Diff in NameSpace Email: do_not_reply 
Diff in NameSpace Email: do_not_reply_from 
'Email' 'Disk' ERROR: 
[ERROR] Failed to update settings of User NameSpace 'ImapSync' of User 'user2'.

What is my best way forward? 
Is the disk error on the source or the destination? Presume source?



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