[BlueOnyx:25218] Re: BlueOnyx 5211R development - commentary

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Tue Nov 16 11:15:29 -05 2021

Hi Dirk,

> PHP and apache
> I am a big friend of mod_ruid2. It is similarly fast as PHP-FPM (suphp is
> incredibly slow) and directives via the .htaccess work.
> The .htaccess is ignored by PHP-FPM, which is no help especially with
> .htaccess directory protection.
> I don't need the DSO implementation. But DSO+mod_ruid2 is really helpful and
> it would be good if you could keep that.

I'm also leaning to retaining PHP as is and to ditch HTTP/2 for Apache.
On the other hand I don't want to deviate that far from what's becomming
or alreadey is the new standard.

If PHP isn't kept as is, then Easy-Migrate will have to convert DSO and
DSO+mod_ruid2 to something else on import. Which adds another layer of

So I think I'll have to actually both:

Make it configureable if Apache is allowed to use HTTP/2 and if it is,
disable DSO and DSO+mod_ruid2 *and* do a conversion of Vsites that
already use DSO related PHP to something that will still work.

Likewise: Easy-Migrate will need the conversion provisions for PHP if
HTTP/2 is enabled on 5211R.

And I think I make it a default that HTTP/2 is disabled, so that we can
use DSO + DSO+mod_ruid2 and the user will have the choice to enable
HTTP/2 if wanted to.

That way we retain the whole tool-box and also retain previous
functionality and expected behavior.

> Don't you have the possibility to report bugs to RHEL? Or give the
> information to Almalinux?

Sure, you can report issues to RedHat via the maze of their website.
However, whenever I try, the page loads and where the content is
supposed to be I get a spinning circle. Not sure what the issue is, but
on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS I'm not able to file any bugs with RedHat,
regardless which browser I use. :o/

> I can't yet find anything about version 9 on either the Almalinux or Rocky
> Linux pages. 
> I'm curious to see how long it will take after the RedHat release.

I'm sure they're on it and I wouldn't be surprised if the AlmaLinux guys
have something within days after the release or RHEL9.

> What I would also like to bring up again in this context is this:
> https://almalinux.org/elevate
> So the possibility of porting CentOS7 to AlmalInux 8, or presumably then
> Almalinux 8 to 9.
> Even though there is easy migrate and it works really well 90%+ of the time,
> I would find an upgrade from 8 to 9 really helpful.

I'll eventually look at it, but it probably won't be available yet when
5211R comes out.

> From 7 to 8 or 9 probably won't work, because with the upcoming of jails for
> ssh you have modified the directory structure very strongly.

That's correct.

> Oh, and just as an aside.
> Maybe the new template will finally get a chance in this context?

That's much more likely now than it happening for 5210R first.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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