[BlueOnyx:25106] Re: what version of php...?

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Mon Sep 13 14:10:29 -05 2021

Hi Tim,

> What version of php comes with a fresh install of a 5209R ? 

That's PHP-5.4.16

> How about a 5210R?

That comes with PHP-7.2.24.

> I am going to be spinning up a new machine and wondering what else I may
> have to purchase to get it into production.
> Should I go for a 5210R vs a 5209R?
> I would hate to get this new box going then find out I should have used
> the latest and greatest and have to do it all over again in a few months.

I'd recommend BlueOnyx 5210R. At this time there is little reason to
choose 5209R over 5210R, as 5210R has more features and is rock stable.

With AlmaLinux 8 we're also out of the woods of that CentOS 8 EOL
debacle and will have a smooth ride with it until RHEL 8 eventually goes

> I am running  a 5209R and I bought your php page a fews years back that
> got me up to php  7.4.9 .
> I am having a problem that when I switch a wordpress site over to 7.4.9
> it yells and says there is a problem loading ZIP. 7.3 works fine no
> yelling other than wordpress saying php needs an update. NO zip errors
> If I bought the latest php update that gets me php 8.0 would that maybe
> fix my 7.4 ZIP problem in the process?

Yes, absolutely. The Zip-integration in all PHP packages was eventually
overhauled and it's been working fine for more than a year or possibly
even two. Don't remember exactly.

When you buy PHP in the shop, it'll give you access for all PHP versions
released for said platform. So on 5210R you'll get everything from
PHP-5.6 all the way up to the current PHP-8.0.10.

And you can install all PHP versions side by side and pick the one you
need individually for every Vsite, provided you run suPHP or PHP-FPM on
that Vsite.

> What brought me to all of this was trying to get webp image support
> going on one of my wordpress sites. According to the last update
> wordpress now supports webp uploads. 

Yes, that's included since a while.

For an example phpinfo() of the latest PHP-7.4 check here:


> Would upgrading my current 5209 box with your latest php package maybe
> fix the gd & imagemagik issues also?

I think just getting the latest PHP-7.4 would fix that for you. After
all, a lot of time passed between PHP-7.4.9 (August 2020) and PHP-7.4.23
(August 2021). Since then the build procedure for my PHP packages has
been overhauled 2-3 times and more features have been added.

> I understand that php 8 could fix some of these things but I am
> still wondering about  fixing my current 7.4. since I resist going to
> the latest php until necessary. 

The PHP package is portable. Say you buy it now for your 5209R? That's
fine and you can use it there. Eventually when you go for a 5209R, just
uninstall and unlink the PHP package from the 5209R and then you can
install it on the 5210R instead.

The 5209R and 5210R PHP packages are built with the same compile options
and features. The only slight differences there are between them is due
to the age of the underlying libraries they're compiled against. In most
cases that shouldn't make a difference.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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