[BlueOnyx:25131] Re: Quickfix for BO servers with certificates that are old or doesn't work anymore!!!

Rickard Osser rickard.osser at bluapp.com
Thu Sep 30 07:04:14 -05 2021

Hi Michael,
I really don't know why it didn't work without the upgrade, I can
investigate further though next week but these were production
machines.I think something happened with the intermediate certificate
downloaded with the older acme.sh script.
It might be something with Let's Encrypts changed root-certs .
I'll investigate more, this was as I said a quick fix and not something
one should use in any normal case.
Best regards,Rickard

On Thu, 2021-09-30 at 06:57 -0500, Michael Stauber wrote:
> Hi Rickard,
> > I just noticed that the acme.sh script on several of my BO servers
> > is toold to generate working certificates.
> Why whould that be? The versions of ACME that we ship still work fine
> on5209R and 5210R. I just requested new certificates on both 5209R
> and5210R and it went through w/o hitch.
Bluapp AB
Rickard Osser
Solberga Ängsväg 3
125 44 Älvsjö

Web: http://www.bluapp.com
Mail: rickard.osser at bluapp.com
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