[BlueOnyx:25376] Efficient spam filters

Antoine Hayoz antoine.hayoz at hasa.ch
Wed Apr 6 04:57:26 -05 2022

Hi there,

I'm struggeling with spams... Can I ask you what you guys have found to 
fight them efficently ?

Let me explain what I've done till now:

  * I've enableled milter-greylist (but users complains about delays) in
  * I used to have geoip milter but I disableled it because users
    complained about not receiving e-mails from parts of the world I
    blocked (AV-Spam as well)
  * I've tried setting blacklists (zen.spamhaus.org /
    b.barracudacentral.org ...) in the E-mail server settings but it
    blocked some of my users as well... so maybe it was not so well
  *  From time to time I run sa-learn on my spam folder where I store
    not recognized spams... this helps but I first have to collect them...

Spamassassin tags some spams (the one tagged are spams) but I still have 
quite a few in my mailbox (most of them I would say).

Any tips welcome because I'm bored receiving them.

Thanks and have a good day.

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