[BlueOnyx:25591] Re: Roundcube & AV-SPAM

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Fri Aug 19 21:46:04 -05 2022

Hi Joe,

>  From within Roundcube, is there a way to filter email messages to go to 
> specific folders?  Example:  Being able to tag an email and send them to 
> trash or junk automatically.

Let's go back to the general configuration of the AV-SPAM before I 
answer that particular question:

Under "Server Management" / "Network Services" / "AV-SPAM" in the 
"SpamAssassin" tab you can configure the SPAM filtering part of the 
AV-SPAM. Let us start there, because this defines everything that follows.

Required Score (Default: 5.00): This defines the score at which email is 
considered to be SPAM. Anything with that score (or higher) gets its 
subject rewritten and also gets the extra header line "X-Spam-Flag: YES" 

Required Reject Hits (Default: 10.00) Anything with this score or higher 
gets rejected at the MTA level. Means: Your server won't accept that 
email and it will never reach the intended mailbox.

Considering this default configuration the only SPAM that your end users 
will still see is SPAM with scores between 5.00 and 10.00. Messages with 
a lower score will not be marked and messages with a higher SPAM score 
than 10.00 are rejected anyway.

So what happens with the detected SPAMs of scores 5.00 <-> 10.00?

*That* entirely depends on the individual settings of each end-user. 
Each BlueOnyx user can go to the GUI and in his "Personal Profile" under 
"Email" in the "SPAM" tab he can configure what happens with detected SPAM.

There he'll find the "SPAM Action" setting, which allows one of the 
following to happen:

	- SPAM-Filter disabled
	- Deliver, but mark as SPAM (default)
	- Move to folder 'caughtspam'
	- Delete SPAM on the server

So a user can choose to have the SPAM-Filter disabled for his account.

Or he can get it marked as SPAM (with rewritten Subject and the header 
"X-Spam-Flag: YES" inserted).

Or he can have all detected SPAM (that hasn't been rejected at the 
MTA-level) to be delivered into the separate IMAP folder "caughtspam").

Or he can have the detected SPAM be deleted automatically. And if it's 
deleted, it's gone and he never sees it, nor can it be retrieved again. 
So we let the user decide if he wants that and he can flip that switch 
himself (and then has to live with the consequences).

Now coming back to your original question:

Yes, on a per user level you can configure the AV-SPAM, that detected 
SPAM is quarantined in a separate IMAP folder called "caughtspam". Or 
you could let the server delete these SPAMs automatically for you (at 
your own risk).

Either way: In RoundCube (or any other IMAP client) you'll then be able 
to see and manage the emails in that "caughtspam" folder.

> Also, Is there a way to tag messages as SPAM if AV-SPAM misses it?  I 
> realize that the Score level can be increased at a global setting.
No, this is (sadly) not possible. There once upon a time used to be a 
way that tied web based email into training the AV-SPAM's bayes database 
by submitting individual emails to it. But this was abandoned as it 
became more and more impractical and even counter-productive.

After all: On a shared server one persons SPAM might be another persons 
treasured posession.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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