[BlueOnyx:25535] Error message while sendung to gmail

Dirk Estenfeld dirk.estenfeld at blackpoint.de
Wed Jul 27 04:54:50 -05 2022



we have received an error message from a customer that he gets when he
specifies several different gmail recipients in one email:



    ----- Transcript of session follows -----
<margit.gubin at comtact-dienste.de <mailto:margit.gubin at comtact-dienste.de>
>... Deferred: Connection timed out with mail.comtact-dienste.de.

... while talking to gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com.:

>>> DATA

<<< 451-4.3.0 Multiple destination domains per transaction is unsupported.

Please <<< 451 4.3.0 try again.

v13-20020adfc5cd000000b0021db4d78492si8556531wrg.707 - gsmtp
<steffihardt9 at gmail.com <mailto:steffihardt9 at gmail.com> >... Deferred:
451-4.3.0 Multiple destination domains per transaction is unsupported.
Please <<< 451-4.3.0 Multiple destination domains per transaction is
unsupported.  Please <<< 451 4.3.0 try again.

v13-20020adfc5cd000000b0021db4d78492si8556531wrg.707 - gsmtp
<steffihardt.nwd at gmail.com <mailto:steffihardt.nwd at gmail.com> >... Deferred:
451-4.3.0 Multiple destination domains per transaction is unsupported.
Please <<< 550-5.7.1 [] Messages missing a valid messageId
header are not <<< 550

5.7.1 accepted. v13-20020adfc5cd000000b0021db4d78492si8556531wrg.707 - gsmtp

554 5.0.0 Service unavailable

... while talking to alt1.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com.:

>>> DATA

<<< 550-5.7.1 [] Messages missing a valid messageId header are
not <<< 550 5.7.1 accepted.

du2-20020a17090772c200b0072b9ef49142si11512265ejc.571 - gsmtp

554 5.0.0 Service unavailable



I assume this has to do with the fact that sendmail connects once to the MX
when the domain is the same and then transmits all mails to the same domain
and gmail seems to like that not (anymore?).

Is there any way to change the setting in sendmail or is a solution to
switch from sendmail to postfix?


Best regards,




blackpoint GmbH – Friedberger Straße 106b – 61118 Bad Vilbel 


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