[BlueOnyx:25435] Letsencrypt

Colin Jack colin at mainline.co.uk
Fri May 20 10:15:07 -05 2022

Anybody else seeing any issues with LE today.
A couple of sites (on different servers) have failed to update:

[Fri May 20 15:57:17 BST 2022] code='200'
[Fri May 20 15:57:17 BST 2022] trigger validation code: 200
[Fri May 20 15:57:17 BST 2022] Pending, The CA is processing your order, please just wait. (1/30)
[Fri May 20 15:57:17 BST 2022] sleep 2 secs to verify again
[Fri May 20 15:57:19 BST 2022] checking
[Fri May 20 15:57:19 BST 2022] url='https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/chall-v3/110691754196/LG0hBw'
[Fri May 20 15:57:19 BST 2022] payload
[Fri May 20 15:57:19 BST 2022] Retrying post
[Fri May 20 15:57:19 BST 2022] POST

Eventually times out after 30 tries.

Looks like possibly a problem at their end?



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