[BlueOnyx:25603] Re: Admin interface oddity on 5210R

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Fri Sep 2 14:38:52 -05 2022

Hi Raymond,

> I'm seeing similar behaviors in both Site Management and Server 
> Management where changes I am trying to submit look like they are 
> processing then just do nothing.  e.g. trying to change the IP on a 
> vsite  just exits and the config is unchanged.  I haven't seen anything 
> specific in the logs I've looked at to indicate what is going on there.
> Similarly when I try to change server-wide web settings (Update 
> AllowOverride in this case) the same thing happens, it doesn't matter if 
> I check or uncheck a box the change doesn't apply.
> Anything other than /var/log/messages I should be looking at for hints?

No, /var/log/messages is the place to go for this. For some more 
debugging to see all CCEd transactions involved you could do this:

touch /etc/DEBUG
tail -f /var/log/admserv/adm_error

When you're done debugging, recall deleting /etc/DEBUG again.

However, I suspect that CCEd is hung on your server and/or has some 
stuck handlers.

Please try to see if this shakes the issue loose:

systemctl stop cced.init.service
killall -9 cced
killall -9 pperld

Those "killall" commands might come up blank if there were no matches 
found. Which is fine.

Then check with "ps axf|grep sausalito" if there are still processes 
around that match that criteria. If it still reports any, kill them off 
with "kill -9 <PID>", where <PID> is the process ID.

Once all CCEd related processes have been killed off, restart CCEd again:

systemctl start cced.init.service

That should do the trick. A more drastic approach that also shakes 
things loose? A reboot. But you don't have to rock the boat that much by 
just killing off all CCEd related processes as shown above and then 
starting CCEd again.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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