[BlueOnyx:25612] Re: BlueOnyx 5211R development - progress report
Meaulnes Legler @ MailList
bluelist at waveweb.ch
Fri Sep 16 16:52:53 -05 2022
On 16.09.22 18:22, Dirk Estenfeld wrote:
> Hello Michael,
> whow, tons of work.
> I wish you lots of strength and patience 😊
> 1-2 years ago we had the topic of a new layout for the GUI.
> Either I didn't read carefully or there was nothing about it. But wouldn't this be an opportunity to refresh the layout at the same time?
well, that would be even more work!
but, *if* considering a fresh layout, then please with keyboard driven GUI-buttons! One can TAB to a button and hit ENTER instead of using the mouse and clicking.
Especially the logout button is so tedious: mouse to the exit button above right and click. Then mouse to the dialog box in center-screen and click on [√Logout] or [×Cancel] button. Just hitting e.g. an x key and then ENTER or ESC then would be much faster!
Best regards
で⊃ Meaulnes Legler
Zurich, Switzerland
+41¦0 44 260-1660
> Best regards,
> Dirk
> blackpoint GmbH – Friedberger Straße 106b – 61118 Bad Vilbel
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Blueonyx <blueonyx-bounces at mail.blueonyx.it> Im Auftrag von Michael Stauber
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 15. September 2022 08:47
> An: blueonyx at mail.blueonyx.it
> Betreff: [BlueOnyx:25607] Re: BlueOnyx 5211R development - progress report
> Hi all,
> At the beginning of this month (3rd September) I had posted this detailed update about the BlueOnyx 5211R development:
> https://www.blueonyx.it/news/308/51/BlueOnyx-5211R-Development-Diary/
> I'd like to follow up on that with a further progress report, which you can also read here:
> https://www.blueonyx.it/news/309/15/BlueOnyx-5211R-Development-Diary/
> State of affairs for BlueOnyx 5211R:
> =====================================
> AdmServ and PHP:
> -----------------
> AdmServ now uses PHP-8.1.10 via PHP-FPM and the PHP-8.1.10 is installed under /home/solarspeed/admserv-php/ and is therefore independent of the OS provided PHP version. This version of PHP-8.1 ships with the IonCube Loader for PHP-8.1.
> During the lifecycle of BlueOnyx 5211R this PHP will be constantly updated by us to the latest PHP version.
> PHP Framework of the GUI:
> --------------------------
> The GUI uses the latest CodeIgniter v4.2.5, which we will also keep
> current throughout the lifecycle of BlueOnyx 5211R as far as required
> to maintain current with the used PHP version.
> State of dependencies and software packages:
> ---------------------------------------------
> The following functionality from BlueOnyx 5210R will be absent on
> BlueOnyx 5211R:
> - Mailman (explained at the link above)
> - Z-Push Active Sync (explained at the link above)
> - Web Based File manager
> Mailman isn't available for EL9 and my attempts to build it from scratch
> haven't been met with success. So I set this aside for a later time.
> Z-Push Active Sync and the Net2FTP integration we had in the BlueOnyx
> 5210R GUI are now dead projects and won't work on modern PHP such as
> PHP-8.0 or PHP-8.1. So these have been dropped.
> A web based filemanager via the GUI will most likely be added later on
> again, as I have some ideas how we can fill that gap.
> Other than that? I do have 90% of all odds and sods sorted by now, so
> via "cceclient" almost the full spectrum of functionality is available
> at this time: Creating, managing and deleting Vsites, Users and all
> other functions one would expect from a working BlueOnyx. The remaining
> 10% will be addressed during the completion of the work on the GUI itself.
> GUI for BlueOnyx 5211R:
> ------------------------
> As mentioned earlier: CodeIgniter 4.2.5 is radically different from any
> CodeIgniter version that BlueOnyx used before. This means that there is
> no way to do a straight upgrade and continue with existing code.
> Basically everything has do be done at least *slightly* different.
> So I started from scratch and solved a metric f-ton of systemic issues.
> Beginning with writing my own dynamic URL-to-Class-loading routing
> mechanism, modified the CSRF mechanism in CodeIgniter 4 to match our
> architecture, stomped hard onto their input verification and filtering
> system to integrate our own and did many other architectural adjustments
> to keep a resemblance of our previous code structure and especially the
> core of our GUI functionality alive.
> Then I started small and eventually got the BlueOnyx login page up and
> working, the /swupdate/news page, all Active Monitor pages, all
> base-backupcontrol and all base-console pages.
> Initial progress was slow, as each new page I ported had many
> dependencies and used libraries or functions that needed adapting to
> PHP-8.1 and/or the new internals of CodeIgniter. By now the process of
> porting a single old GUI page to a new one is down to 45-60 minutes
> (including testing), 90 minutes if it's a really complex page with lots
> of options.
> While working on the porting of the old GUI pages to the new CodeIgniter
> I also made full use of the extended debugging and code runtime
> profiling that is now possible if CodeIgniter runs in development mode.
> This allowed me to identify some horrific performance bottlenecks, which
> I then directly addressed.
> Which brings me to the next point:
> ================
> AdmServ is now using HTTP/2 out of the box, which delivers content in a
> parallelized fashion. Means: That is already faster out of the box.
> Usage of PHP-FPM and PHP-8.1 also speeds things up considerably compared
> to PHP-7.2 and DSO like one BlueOnyx 5211R.
> The new CodeIgniter 4 and the elimination of some bottlenecks and
> redundancies in the new GUI also speeds things up considerably.
> BUT: The biggest speed boost was yet to come and that's a little
> something I hacked together on the sides: CCE-Caching.
> When you load a single GUI page, this page also loads two dynamic GUI
> pages as dependencies for localization of error messages during input
> validation as well as the error messages provided by jQuery.
> That runs three instances of the GUI-code for a single (visible) GUI
> page. Each of these wants (or needs) to poll CCE for certain CODB objects:
> "System" Object
> "User" Object of the logged in GUI user
> "Capabilities" Object and its 40 NameSpaces for your access rights
> "Active Monitor" Object and all its NameSpaces for system faults
> Plus whatever CODB Objects the GUI pages needs to display the *actual*
> information you want/need to perform the desired administrative function(s).
> Usually these objects are fetched via $cce->getObject("Class"). Which
> runs a "FIND Class" against CODB and finally a "GET <OIDs>". In itself
> that are already three CCE transactions for a single "give me data!" task.
> Means: Even if we do nothing else but load a GUI page, we do have 12
> CCEd transactions, of which 2/3rds are repetitive.
> Welcome to CODB Caching \o/
> ============================
> We do have single instance CODB Objects, which rarely change during the
> lifetime of a GUI session. And coincidentally and conveniently these are
> also exactly those that we use the most. Even if they change? Then we
> can deal with that easily and can STILL cache them.
> So that's what I did.
> The GUI now uses the PHP session data as storage for those CODB objects
> that are mostly static and are most used during your GUI session. If the
> data is already in the session-data Cache, CCEd will not be asked, but
> instead the data will be fetched from the cache.
> Additionally and index of CODB OIDs will be kept in the session-data
> cache, so that we can skip redundant "FIND" transactions against CODB,
> because we already know what the Object ID of the desired Class is.
> Say you login and land on the start page of the GUI: /swupdate/news
> During the initial login (before I implemented the Cache) around 56 CCEd
> transactions had to happen. If you then simply reloaded the
> /swupdate/news while remaining logged in? Another 20 CCEd transactions
> had to happen.
> Now with the Cache around 16 CCEd transactions happen during initial
> login. From seeing the login page to landing on /swupdate/news, as
> anything important and cache-able will be fetched only once and then be
> served out of the Cache.
> Reloading the page past the login? Only 8 CCEd unavoidable transactions
> are required (3x authentication, 3x ending the connection to CCE,
> getting the data we want to display), as the rest is served straight out
> of the Cache.
> How much faster is this?
> On my test hardware we save around 20-25 milliseconds per FIND/GET
> transactions. This adds up nicely.
> Direct comparison:
> Login into 5210R:
> -----------------
> Load time /login page: 3.5 seconds
> Login and loading /news/swupdate: 6.8 seconds
> Reloading /news/swupdate: 6.5 seconds
> Login into 5211R:
> -----------------
> Load time /login page: 2.3 seconds
> Login and loading /news/swupdate: 4.9 seconds
> Reloading /news/swupdate: 3.5 seconds
> Now two seconds faster doesn't seem to be worth making a fuzz about,
> right? But in practical terms this means a lot, as now every subsequent
> page load past the login loads noticeably faster and that quickly adds
> up to a much nicer experience.
> Remaining work prior to release of the BETA:
> =============================================
> GUI pages:
> I still have plenty of GUI pages to port and test. At current speeds I
> expect I need another three weeks for those.
> Packaging:
> CodeIgniter 4 has a different directory structure than CodeIgniter 3 and
> also needs slightly different Routes.php and Controllers/*.php files.
> Keep thing simple for eventually backporting the 5211R GUI to 5210R
> (which I might!) I decided to install all GUI related files into
> slightly different folders.
> Subsequently I need to modify the SVN file structure for BlueOnyx
> modules and the packaging script slightly to deal with this. That will
> take a few days before packaging and automated RPM building is sorted.
> YUM Repository:
> It's sorted and up. Most OS related bits and pieces are published. The
> new GUI RPMs will be published when the packaging is sorted.
> ISO Building:
> Not yet started, but I expect few surprises. I should be able to adapt
> the 5210R ISO building procedure nicely to handle EL9 ISO's as well.
> BlueOnyx 5211R release date:
> =============================
> I don't like to make promises on that. However, the coast is pretty
> clear from here and there are no insurmountable mountains to climb
> anymore. The rest is just nitty-gritty digging in the heels and cranking
> code and procedures out. If nothing unforeseeable happens, I think a
> November release of BlueOnyx 5211R is quite doable.
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