[BlueOnyx:26691] BlueOnyx 5209R/5210R/5211R: PHP-8.3.1 available

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Fri Dec 29 13:42:32 -05 2023

Hi all,

PHP-8.3 has become available and this time around I skipped building the 
8.3.0 version. Now with PHP-8.3.1 out, a PKG for BlueOnyx 5209R, 5210R 
and 5211R has been made available via NewLinQ as part of the usual PHP 

Building this for 5209R and 5210R has become quite a bit of a chore due 
to both a broken ImageMagick support (fixed it in the PKG) as well as 
the whole build tool chain on EL7 and EL8 becoming somewhat more antique 
than PHP-8.3 would like to see it. I managed to overcome this by using 
the optional "devtools-11" toolchain, which contains a newer compiler 
and a newer "binutils". Otherwise building with the usual mbstring 
support wouldn't have been possible.

Funny sidenote: While I was banging my head against the wall solving 
these small nuisances I made the observation that if I ever write a 
doctoral thesis, then it probably would be about the challenging 
conflicts of interest that triple-hatted IT workers face, which work 
full time for tech giants (RedHat) and build their PHP, have an 
influential position in Open Source projects (PHP.org) and publish their 
own PHP packages that whole industries depend on (Remi Colette's PHP 

Semi-related link: 
https://forum.remirepo.net/viewtopic.php?pid=12805#p12805 :o)

That's not intended as a "diss", as Remi is doing a really great and 
certainly underappreciated job.

With best regards,
Michael Stauber

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