[BlueOnyx:26009] service restart after letsencrypt renewal

Christoph Schneeberger cschnee at box.telemedia.ch
Thu Mar 2 18:31:21 -05 2023


Just had 5210R that renewed properly its letsencrypt cert on 26. Feb. 
Today I found that dovecot was still using the old cert and that expired 
today. A restart of dovecot solved that quickly. Though everything else 
(sendmail, adm-srv, apache) was already using the new cert.

In /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log I saw that the script 
/usr/sausalito/sbin/reload_webservers.pl gets called after successful 
renewal, but that one seems to only restart the web- and adm-server to 
use the renewed certificate.

On the other hand, I never saw this problem before and I am using quite 
a few LE certs with dovecot on BlueOnyx so I was wondering if something 
else triggers a reload of dovecot upon renewal and that failed here or I 
was just lucky until now because something else (like changes in the 
GUI) always triggered a reload/restart of dovecot before the old cert 
could expire.

Thanks for any insight or hints on this,

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