[BlueOnyx:26496] Re: The Postfix learning curve continues

Chad Bersche chad at bersche.com
Thu Sep 21 14:25:55 -05 2023

Thanks for the explanation, Michael.

Most of the challenges are, honestly, coming from other solutions that 
send telemetry, etc. both to local admin (i.e. me) and for remote 
diagnostics/statistics.  The emails that are going to domains hosted by 
my BlueOnyx, as you'd expect, get delivered just fine.  It's those pesky 
outgoing things (and to be honest, I also use internal email to external 
SMS notification emails for some things that also get shot down).

While none of these are life and death critical, I'm glad to know that 
at least the problem is understood, and appreciate the complexities of 
implementing a fix.  Hopefully parsing the IF{postfix} then {ensure IP's 
only} won't be a big lift, and also won't disrupt anything else that 
needs to work.  I respect that my challenge may be a specific to me one, 
and that doing something about it may not be practical without breaking 
other things.  If that ends up the case, just tell me. :)

Thank you sir!


On 9/21/2023 1:39 AM, :
> The complication is that the GUI field "Relay Email From
> Hosts/Domains/IP Addresses" accepts both IPs and domain names, but the
> "mynetworks" line in Postfix just accepts IPs. So I'll have to throw in
> some extra cogs and wheels to make sure that only IPs end up in the
> "mynetworks" line. But this is doable.
> I'll play around with it tomorrow and will see if I can work this out
> and then we'll have a YUM update ready to fix this in the next few days.
> -- With best regards Michael Stauber

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