[BlueOnyx:27392] Re: Radicale and iPhone iOS 17 Calendar App

Christoph Schneeberger cschnee at box.telemedia.ch
Mon Dec 23 04:38:08 -05 2024

On 3/18/24 00:12, Michael Stauber via Blueonyx wrote:
>> I set up a Radicale calendar on my server, and put the account 
>> credentials into my iPhone running IOS 17.3.  It validated fine using 
>> the https link to the calendar. However, it seemed then to be unable 
>> to update the calendar. When I went back into the account settings on 
>> the iPhone using the calendar, the full URL had been truncated to 
>> only show the system name, getting rid of the important 
>> "/radicale/[username]/[calendar]" info.
> That's weird. I don't have an iPhone, so I cannot replicate this. 
> Hopefully someone else can chime in on this.
> But basically: Yeah, the app should not truncate the URL. Is there by 
> chance an "autodetect" feature in the app that tries to determine the 
> URL to the calendar and overwrites your manually inserted settings? If 
> so, that certainly should be turned off.
> Other than that? No idea, sorry.

Sorry to revive an old issue.

I recently discovered this nifty caldav/carddav feature and while it 
integrated nicely with thunderbird, Apple products were a no-go somehow.
After hours of painful hair-pulling I checked the webserver logs and got 
the hint I needed.

Once I redirected /.well-known/[caldav|carddav] to /radicale/ things 
started to work on ios. Basically a .htaccess with

/Redirect 302 /.well-known/caldav /radicale/
Redirect 302 /.well-known/carddav /radicale/
in the site that I was using to access radicale was all that was needed 
for ios to stop refusing to work and throwing generic error messages.. 
As a bonus you can just enter https://sitename.domain/ on the 
i-fondleslab in question and it offers all existing calendars for 

Maybe Michael can make this redirect/rewrite server-wide when caldav is 

Here are a few links that helped me:


Hope this helps somebody,
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