[BlueOnyx:27071] Re: /etc/alternatives/mta -> (sendmail|postfix)

Tomohiro Hosaka bokutin at gmail.com
Wed Jun 19 08:59:32 -05 2024

Hi Michael,

Thanks for your reply.

It is good to know that BlueOnyx has a policy of /etc/alternatives/mta
set to Sendmail.

I have done set mta to Postfix on 5210R and everything is working fine
except for the lack of /usr/sbin/makemap as I mentioned in my previous

When sendmail is called from system or php, the queues and logs are a
mixture of sendmail and postfix ones.
I would like to use mta set to Postfix as is until a problem occurs.

I followed and read from /usr/lib/systemd/system/postfix.service.
It didn't seem to conflict with "mta set to Postfix" in particular.


2024-06-18 00:57 に Michael Stauber via Blueonyx さんは書きました:
> Hi Tomohiro,
>> Even if you change the system MTA from sendmail to postfix,
>> "alternatives --display mta" seems to be sendmail.
>> Doesn't blueonyx "alternatives --set mta /usr/sbin/sendmail.postfix" ?
> No, it doesn't. The GUI still creates Sendmail config files for anything email related. The way our Postfix integration works is that the Systemd Unit-File for Postfix parses the Sendmail configurations on the fly whenever Postfix is (re)started. And generates Postfix a configuration based on the Sendmail configuration.
> That's why we leave /etc/alternatives/mta set to Sendmail. Because otherwise that mechanism breaks.

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