[BlueOnyx:26860] Re: Redis or Memcached

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Thu Mar 21 23:12:53 -05 2024

Hi Michael,

> Has anyone isntalled Redis or Memcached on a 5210R?
> I have a client with a large WooCommerce site and am looking to get the 
> best performance I can.

At this time there are no Shop PHP PKGs that have Redis included.

It can be added as an afterthought, though:

yum install redis
systemctl enable --now redis

Then pick the PHP version you want to add it to. The below assumes it's 
for PHP-8.1:

/home/solarspeed/php-8.1/bin/pecl install redis

That downloads the sources for redis for PHP and compiles them. This 
creates the redis.so extension, which is stored into 
/home/solarspeed/php-8.1/lib/php/20210902/redis.so if built for PHP-8.1. 
But if you build it for a different version of PHP the path will be 
slightly different.

Check the path where it ended up and create a redis.ini file:

pico /home/solarspeed/php-8.1/etc/php.d/redis.ini

Put this in it, but make sure the path is correct:


Then restart PHP-FPM and httpd:

systemctl restart php-fpm-8.1 httpd

I'll consider adding it to future PHP packages, though. If you need help 
installing this, send me the login details via support request and let 
me know what PHP version you need it for.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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