[BlueOnyx:26951] Re: cannot add A record 'www' to get www.subdom.domain.net

Meaulnes Legler @ MailList bluelist at waveweb.ch
Wed May 1 15:45:29 -05 2024


by clicking on the dropdown 'Add Record...' > 'Forward Address (A) 
Record', it switched then to


with the page:

DNS Add New Forward Address (A) Record >

Host Name  (optional)
  [ ___________________ ] → here I wanted to add 'www'
Domain Name
  [ subdom.domain.tld ]
IP Address
  [ ___________________ ] → and here the IP

Shall I open a ticket?

Thank you and best regards

.. Meaulnes Legler
⌣ Zurich, Switzerland
+41¦0 44 260-1660

On 01.05.24 18:34, Michael Stauber via Blueonyx wrote:
> Hi Meaulnes,
>> As I wanted to add an A Forward record with the optional Host 
>> Name www, the GUI returned:
>> /!\ Sorry, an internal server error occurred. The attribute 
>> Select_Network___ is unknown. Please visit http://BlueOnyx.it/ for 
>> technical info.
> There are a couple of different GUI pages that allow you to edit/add 
> DNS records:
> /dns/vsiteDNS
> /dns/vsite_dns_add
> /dns/primarydns
> /dns/dns_add
> Which GUI page did you use to add the record and which GUI page 
> reported the error?

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