[BlueOnyx:26972] Re: May 10th httpd Update PHP Errors

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Fri May 10 18:54:08 -05 2024

Hi Rodrigo,

> An update damaged our base-aáche damaged one of our 5211 servers php installation
> Server threw errors like these
> Warning: Undefined array Key HTTPS
> Warning: Undefined array Session

On which GUI page was that?

> But something didnt go well with that Update

No idea. On all 5211R that I've checked I didn't notice any errors so 
far after the update.

> We would like to have an option to disable updates on the GUI
See "Software Updates" / "YUM Updater" and there in the "Settings"-tab 
you have the option to disable "Auto-Update enabled". Or you can chose 
to not run it on certain days of the week.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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