[BlueOnyx:27006] AV-SPAM?

Barry Mishkind barry at oldradio.com
Thu May 30 12:23:30 -05 2024

I have been having trouble lately with the outgoing email. The system 
connects to the server and then sits ... sometimes for minutes, 
sometimes times out, and it has taken as long as an hour to get email 
outbound (incoming is fine).

Some time ago, it was recommended to issue
~/> /usr/sausalito/sbin/avspam_init.pl -restart

... during which, the message pops up:
"AV-SPAM Email service are in failed state."

When complete, outgoing email runs normally.

The reason for this request (5209r) is that it has happened more than 
three times in the past several weeks.

Is there a place in the BX GUI to accomplish the same as the CLI 
line? Or, is there something that needs to be done to AV-SPAM to 
reduce it being in a "failed state?"

many thanks

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