[BlueOnyx:27237] Site Management > DNS

Meaulnes Legler @ MailList bluelist at waveweb.ch
Sun Sep 8 08:13:01 -05 2024


I made a false manipulation and cannot go back to the prior 
configuration: in Site Management > sub.somedomain.tld > Services > DNS, 
one can shift the Domain Names the site will manage from Not Selected to 
Selected (at https://vs.maindomain.net:81/dns/vsiteDNS?group=site6)

I didn't think a lot, vs.maindomain.net isn't my DNS server, I just 
tried it out. Now if I return to that page to reestablish the original 
configuration, the browser says:

   This page isn't working
   vs.maindomain.net redirected too may times.

The URL https://vs.maindomain.net:81/dns/vsiteDNS?group=site6 
says: Internal Server Error at 

I don't know if this is connected to AV-Spam Services, but since then 
Active Monitor says SpamAssassin and AV-SPAM Services aren't running and 
I cannot restart the AV-SPAM Server from the GUI — the command line says

# /usr/sausalito/sbin/avspam_init.pl -status
Server is using MTA: postfix
| Service:       | GUI:  | AutoStart: | Running: |
| Postfix        |   1   |      1     |     1    |
| Greylist       |   0   |      0     |     0    |
| GeoIP          |   1   |      1     |     1    |
| Spamassassin   |   1   |      1     |     1    |
| Spamass-Milter |   1   |      1     |     1    |
| ClamAV         |   1   |      1     |     1    |
| ClamAV-Milter  |   1   |      1     |     1    |
AV-SPAM Email service are running.


Thanks and best regards

で⊃ Meaulnes Legler
Zurich, Switzerland
+41¦0 44 260-1660

I'm on *Wire* as @meaulnes — https://wire.com/
/no more Whatzap and so on!/

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