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Hi everyone,
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<br />I know this is a BlueOnyx list, but BlueQuartz is still in use and a lot of the people on this list are BlueQuartz experts.
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<br />We've had a BlueQuartz server do something I've never seen before. It seems to have totally lost its knowledge of its configuration - like the CODB has completely disappeared!
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<br />If you try to access the management webpage - you get the initial "Welcome" page as if it were a brand-new BlueQuartz install. Its like I just installed BlueQuartz on the server and its waiting to be set up. But all the sites/domains that were on the box are still working? Its serving up their webpages and processing their e-mail. Weird!?!?!
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<br />I'm leery of pressing the "START" button on that welcome page - I'm afraid it will make things worse and the sites on that server will stop working. The only reason we kept this older BlueQuartz around - these last few companies were using Frontpage and haven't been migrated off of that yet so they could be put on our BlueOnyx servers. But this is almost a brand-new install - only about two months old.
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<br />I thought that I'd just back them up with cmuExport and reload - no such luck. The cmuExport utility doens't see any sites and won't export/backup the sites on the server. So the only option is a TAR backup, and manual reinstall after reloading. YUCK! Lots of work involved with that.
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<br />Has anyone seen this before? Any idea how to help the system find its configuration again??
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<br />Thanks guys,
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<br />Chuck
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