Hi,<br><br>Recently one of our customers puchase google apps and request to move email and other services, they requested to add several cnames to our costumer DNS. I have read always recomewndations form Michael against this practice.<br>
<br>but now it seems that is no way to avoid them.<br><br>Any suggestions to make this configuration work better with using cnames here is the first line they are requesting<br><br><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="927">
<col width="266"><col width="304"><col width="129"><col width="114" span="2"><tbody><tr height="21">
<td class="xl65" style="height: 15.75pt; width: 200pt;" width="266" height="21"><a href="http://domain.com">domain.com</a></td>
<td class="xl66" style="width: 228pt;" width="304">googlefffffffff2b90663</td>
<td class="xl67" style="width: 97pt;" width="129">CNAME</td>
<td class="xl68" style="width: 86pt;" width="114"><a href="http://google.com">google.com</a></td>
<td class="xl67" style="width: 86pt;" width="114">A</td>
</tr></tbody></table><br>Thank in advance.<br><br>Regards<br><br>H<br>