OK, maybe my BO Box wasn't hacked after all.<br><br>I did indeed get a largish bill, but it seems I have been able to substantiate the additional usage.<br><br>I did panic though, when I checked the Network Usage by IP Address and jumped to conclusions.<br>
<br>Seems that there is a bug with the GUI and shows Kb's of data but labels it as Gb's - but only for the "Other" in the Network Usage. I did eventually stumble across the bug on the Bug Track<br><br>and these entries: (when I download the log)<br>
<br> Other - - [08/May/2011:20:07:14 +1000] "GET /input HTTP/1.1" 200 247342096<br>
"" ""<br>
Other - - [08/May/2011:20:07:14 +1000] "GET /output HTTP/1.1" 200 1833095173<br>
"" ""<br>
Other - - [08/May/2011:20:07:14 +1000] "GET /forward HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "" ""<br><br>mirror similar entries from the log on the BlueQuartz, and....... they reoccur every hour. Still don't know what they are, but not worried now ..<br>
<br>So, I guess I can switch the Box back on tonight :) <br>