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I think I've seen what you're talking about Charles. A domain's e-mail and website are on two different servers. But the one with the website can't e-mail webpage generated forms to the e-mail server.
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<br />We've seen this when some of our business customers pay for hosted Exchange, but have their websites on our local BX servers. If the BX server is not informed that its <span style="font-weight: bold;">not</span> authoritative for mail for that domain - it will attempt to deliver it locally. Of course, there won't be a mailbox for that - and all that happens is a error logged.
<br />
<br />In the past, that entailed going into the Sendmail config files at the command line and taking out all references to the local domain. The server would then do a MX lookup for that domain and correctly forward the message outward. But BX introduced a new checkbox a few years back. If the website is on the local BX server, go into the SITE MANAGEMENT tab, click to configure the domain in question, on the left side - click SERVICES and EMAIL. Once on that page - checkmark the box labeled "Disable Email for Domain", and then SAVE.
<br />
<br />That should do it - your BX server now knows that its not hosting e-mail for that domain. It should do a MX lookup for any e-mail for that domain and correctly forward it out to that server.
<br />
<br />
<br />Now, the problem is if your BX server is hosting the e-mail, and the website is somewhere else. In <span style="font-weight: bold;">that</span> case - the other server is the one that has to be configured so it knows its not hosting the e-mail. That could be difficult or easy, depending on what OS the other server is running. But either way - its the other guy's problem, not yours.
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<br />Good luck Charles. And let us know how it works out.
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<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />Chuck
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<br /><b>---------- Original Message
<br />
From: Charles Bowman <charlesbowman@wknet.co.uk>
<br />
To: BlueOnyx General Mailing List <blueonyx@mail.blueonyx.it>
<br />
Sent: Wed, 21 Mar 2012 13:46:47 +0000
<br />
Subject: [BlueOnyx:09856] Incoming Email with same domain on FROM address =
bounced (5106R)
<br />
<br />> I have a user, who has paid someone to provide a web interface on an
external server.
<br />>
<br />> They are now trying to email the user, but
have defined the FROM email address with the same domain as the
<br />> I.e. Email incoming from external source FROM "<a href="mailto:support@example.com">support@example.com</a>" TO "<a href="mailto:bob@example.com">bob@example.com</a>" - this get's blocked
as the domain is hosted
<br />> Is there any way to stop this?
<br />>
<br />> Thanks,
<br />>
<br />>
<br /><b>------- End of Original Message
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