I am following up on this problem. It turns out, the server blocks my IP every day. Here is my process. <br><br><div style="margin-left:40px">--------------clear iptables-------------------<br>iptables --list (I get pages and pages of rules - one includes my IP address)<br>
iptables --flush (temporary clear of rules)<br>service iptables save (saves blank rules to /etc/sysconfig/iptables )<br>service iptables stop<br>service iptables start<br>iptables --list (check rules again after restart and everything is blank - good to go)<br>
</div><br>I can connect to sites, ftp, etc.<br><br>Next Day - IP is blocked again. I have to disconnect from the network, setup my cell as a wi-fi hotspot. Connect to the cell wi-fi (to get an unblocked IP), run putty and clean the iptables again.<br>
<br>Next Day - Blocked again.<br><br><br><br><br>How are old rules getting reloaded?<br>