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On 2/24/2013 9:31 AM, Lew Berry wrote:
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> I have a 5108 box [UTF-8?](2.6.32–131.17.1.el6.x86_64) running on HyperV with
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> the legacy adapter.
<br />>
<br />>
> It has lost connectivity to the network, [UTF-8?]won’t answer to anything.
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> While in the process of booting up, it will answer about 10 or 12 pings
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> then quit.
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> Any ideas?
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Sounds like a problem with HyperV. That's the one virtualization
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platform I've absolutely sworn off of so I won't be able to help you
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with the settings there, but you might try experimenting with the
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network adapter settings on it.
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<br />>
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Chris Gebhardt
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<br /><font size="2">My <font size="2"><font size="2">sympathies</font> Lew. </font>I'm <font size="2">also fighting a 'BlueOnyx on <font size="2">Hyper-V<font size="2">' problem. I<font size="2">n my case, the LVM container won't mount - so the system can't get into the partitions to boot. I'm still <font size="2">attempting to recover that LVM <font size="2">container.
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<br />One of the things I've notices while having to manage multiple BX servers on Hyper-V - it occasionally looses the network configu<font size="2">rations/connectivity. Most of the time it hap<font size="2">pens, we<font size="2">'re able to <font size="2"><font size="2">modify the Hpyer-V settings to get the networking back up. Change it from "<font size="2">Public" to "Internal LAN"<font size="2">, <font size="2">and then back. Sometimes, we did<font size="2">n't even have to shutdown<font size="2"> the VM. Making the cha<font size="2">nges fixed it right <font size="2">away. Other times, we'd have to shutdown/modify/re<font size="2">boot to fix it. And in one case - we never got it fixed and I rebui<font size="2">lt that BX server.....</font></font></font></font></font></font>
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<br /><font size="2">OH YEA! A<font size="2">nd make sur<font size="2">e your H<font size="2">yper-V VM is using a <font size="2">"Legacy Network Adapter", not the standard "Network Adapter". If you're using the sta<font size="2">ndard "Network Adapter" - you'll have all kinds of networ<font size="2">k problems<font size="2"> (including loss of network connectivity like you're having).</font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font>
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<br /><font size="2">Chuck
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