<div dir="ltr">Good morning sirs (+1 GMT),<br><br>i've a few question about sendmail settings.<br><br>Recently i have been subject of a spam attack. A mailbox password was stolen and a bot sends spam through my BO 5108R server.<br>
<br>Honestly I have not noticed the issue until the server has not been put in some blacklists.<br><br>First question, is it possible to have a monitor tool to understand if there is a spamming activity on the mail server?<br>
<br>For example a threshold number of RCPTs in outgoing messages that can alert the administrator when exceeded, or the content of messages or i don't know...<br>One of the wrong setting was that the outgoing mail were not analyzed by AvSPAM, but only the incoming mail.<br>
<br>I've reduced the maximum number oc RCPTs to 5. But one of our customer need to write up to 40 RCPTs.<br><br>Second question: Is it possible to setup Vhost dedicated maximum number of RCPTS?<br><br>Have someone of you tips&tricks to monitor and prevent this spam mailing and blacklisting?<br>
<br>Thanks<br><br>Marcello Torchio<br><br></div>