[BlueOnyx:00293] Re: Questions about BlueOnyx...

Chris Gebhardt - VIRTBIZ Internet cobaltfacts at virtbiz.com
Sun Jan 18 22:26:44 -05 2009

Michael Stauber wrote:
>>> ChiliSoft ASP
>> I wonder if anyone is really using it.  
> Yeah, am wondering about that myself, too. I'd be hard pressed to think of 
> anyone who's really (still) using it. JSP / Tomcat is a different matter, so 
> we went great lengths to make sure that this works out of the box already.

It seems that ChiliSoft was never useful in our experience.   For some 
of the very basic ASP stuff, yes, but for those that needed ASP for 
particular applications they were often using MS-SQL or (ugh)Access ODBC 
  so we would therefore wind up putting them on a Windows box to run 

>> Interesting.  And I suppose FrontPage usage has discontinued or at least
>> waned as well?
> There are probably some die hard fans who still might use it, because they've 
> always used it and didn't look further. But it really might be high time to 
> nudge them onwards and get them moved to something more modern. :p

We've lost a few hosting customers because we no longer are able to put 
FrontPage on our servers.  And they're going someplace else that can.

But anybody in this business knows how a few of your customers will 
account for a large amount of the support?  Yeah... it's those same 
FrontPage customers.  Let 'em be somebody else's problem!  :)

>> Michael, what is the status of the comment that an upgrade procedure is
>> forthcoming?  While an upgrade is tricky and convoluted, I think people
>> want to know there is some formalized process before they begin.
> Am still working on that and I don't really want to set a fixed date on when 
> it'll be finished. If I say "a week" it could as well turn into two. But 
> around that figure. But as said before, this upgrade procedure will be tricky 
> and it cannot be guaranteed that it won't end in a total trainwreck in some 
> isolated cases. Using CMU instead will be much, much safer and cleaner.

Take it from a guy who has actually done an OS upgrade over YUM 
(TaoLinux 3 to CentOS 3 to CentOS 4):  I'll never do it again.  Won't 
even consider it.  If by total trainwreck Michael means countless hours 
and missed sleep trying to put something back together that was never 
meant to work that way in the first place... yeah, expect a trainwreck.

> If the web servers traffic statistics for January are any indication of a 
> sucessful release, then I must say that it - already - has exceeded our 
> wildest expectations by several magnitudes. Uh ... Chris? Still think it was a 
> good idea to sponsor the bandwith? :o)

Oh, you bet!  Keep it coming.

Chris Gebhardt
VIRTBIZ Internet Services
Access, Web Hosting, Colocation, Dedicated
www.virtbiz.com | toll-free (866) 4 VIRTBIZ

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