[BlueOnyx:01195] problem with Nuonce script installer

Ken Marcus - Precision Web Hosting, Inc. kenmarcus at precisionweb.net
Sat May 9 10:43:52 -05 2009

Hi all,

I thought I'd mention a couple of experiences I've had with the Nuonce 
script installer.

First I had a VPS customer try to install a script on a subdomain using 
something like  ../somedir  as the directory path. That deleted his whole 
home directory. This was on a VPS so it was easy to restore the RSYNCed 

Then I myself on a different server changed the path of the directory, 
possibly I left off a slash, and it did the same thing, deleting the whole 
home directory.  Maybe I started a second attempt before the first was 
complete.  In any case it caused the same problem. This was on a standalone 
server so I had to CMU restore the 100 + sites. Then I had made a script to 
copy back in all the inboxes which did not restore. The mbox files were in 
the backup but for some reason did not restore.

So, if you are using those scripts, be careful. Possibly it does not check 
for a reasonable directory  before deleting the install destination.

Ken Marcus
Ecommerce Web Hosting by
Precision Web Hosting, Inc.

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