[BlueOnyx:03531] Re: misconfigured vsite DNS- 220 banner and mail from: issue

Brian M toomanyhandles at gmail.com
Tue Feb 9 06:35:51 -05 2010

On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 11:39 AM, Brian M <toomanyhandles at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 8:11 AM, Brian M <toomanyhandles at gmail.com> wrote:
> Actually, this wasn't really fixed either- I had set "force sender domain"
> and that let the from: show as user at domain.com instead of
> user at host.domain.com.
> so I still have the issue such that the from: address is not correct, and
> that for any domain other than for the first I configured, the sendmail
> error related to apache forcing user at localhost as the from: persists.
So, this is still with me, and after a lot of google searching, changing UI
settings, loooking for conf files that might be inolved, etc, I have not
changed the bahavior at all.


In addition to the changes I mention in the thread, I've tried using
external DNS,  and adding the IP of the BX bo itself as the sole DNS in case
something external was messing up the mailer (some people show the apache -f
can be due to that).  I've pulled all reference to the virtual IP I'm using
from /etc/hosts,  I've gone thru the UI and saved every setting in case the
legacy Cobalt stuff isn't writing config files properly.  And I've rebooted
the box after each change since it's hard to tell what the UI does and does
not restart re: processes.

What on earth are others doing that thing thing actually works as it
should?  All emails coming out from the first domain work but have the wrong
from: address-- from user at host.domain.com not user at domain.com.

And, any virtual site after the first one:  mails won't send at all, due to
apache forcing the wrong domain (localhost).  I thought this was DNS
related, but it seems not.

I don't mind googling, posting, testing, and trying- but this is not
providing resolution.

Thanks for thoughts-

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