[BlueOnyx:03554] Re: admin user quota error with ftp

Chuck Tetlow chuck at tetlow.net
Tue Feb 9 23:14:12 -05 2010

Thanks Chuck and all thatoffered help.  It ended up being a stupid admin trick.  I had unzippedthe humongous tarball of the old site into the /home dir and the gid of the site in question ( a new one) was used on the old site.  We haddeleted a bunch of old sites before actually exporting and importing tothe new box.  The old gid was a big honkin site.
> Duh.
> Looking at the code for get_quotas.pl pointed me in the right directionto start looking at gid issues.  It uses the perl Quota module to findall files with a gid of whatever the site gid is in the entirefilesystem. in this case the one mounted on /home.
> This will be one of those things that I probably will not forget sinceit was so frigging painful from a time standpoint but at least I amworking on an understanding of BO under the covers.
> Thanks again. 
> Bret

I feel your pain Bret.  I did EXACTLY the same thing. 

Moved all sites from an old box to a new one by cmuExporting all sites, dumping all databases, and than making a tarball of /home/sites & /home/.sites (just in case).  I already knew that cmuImport doesn't maintain site numbers when exporting/importing - and so changes group numbers.  I just didn't think about old GIDs and new GIDs affecting the quota subsystem.

When I unzipped the tarball under my /home/users/chuck directory to get a file - the old GIDs were still on the files.  Half a dozen domains immediately started complaining about not receiving e-mail.  And BlueQuartz showed them all over-quota.

It took me hours to track down the over-quota, since a du -hs /home/.sites/* didn't show their directories over limit.  I finally figured it out by doing a "find / -group groupname".  It found a whole bunch of files belonging to that group outside their /home/site/www.domain.tld directory.  When I figured out what happened, I just did a "chown -R root:root *" in that unzip directory and everything was fixed.

Congratulations on figuring it out.


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