[BlueOnyx:03636] dkim and or domainkey implementation

trasor trasor at lhtot.com
Sat Feb 20 21:21:50 -05 2010

I need some help getting DKIM and or Domainkeys to work with blueonyx.  
I have setup and made what I believed to be the appropriate changes to 
sendmail, however no email is signed.  I have also added the appropriate 
TXT to my dns via the named.conf.include file and according to webmin 
(bind all records for domain X) the TXT is indeed there.  My mail log 
also shows that the milter is starting:

args: -u dkim-milt -p inet:8891 at localhost -d domain.com -k /etc/dkim-milter/mail -s mail -b sv -c simple -S rsa-sha1 -C bad=r,dns=t,int=t,no=a -h -l -D -P /var/run/dkim-filter0.pid)

Any pointers would be most appreciated.

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