[BlueOnyx:03726] Re: How to for installing PHP5.3 on BlueOnyx

Menno Jansz menno at jansz.com
Mon Mar 1 12:56:16 -05 2010

Quoting DD <bqlist at distortal.com> on Thu, 25 Feb 2010:

> Couple of questions:
>    Can the /habitableplanet/ part of the path be anything?  '/php531/' for
> example?

Yes just change everywhere the instructions say habitableplanet. I just chose
that to make it obvious, and it's my company's name.

>    What would I need to edit to have the last three lines added to the
> siteXX.include automatically for all new sites?

I havent had time to figure out where BlueOnyx gets that template from, so I'm
not sure. Maybe someone else on the list can help with that.


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