[BlueOnyx:08050] Re: Admin GUI via IPAD QUICK FIX?

DD bqlist at distortal.com
Wed Aug 10 08:05:57 -05 2011

>Basically on /usr/sausalito/ui/web/login.php
>I changed
><BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" onLoad="focuslogin()"
>onResize="if(navigator.appName == 'Netscape') location.reload()"
>And I can now log in from a number of Droid devices successfully.

I made the same change to /usr/sausalito/ui/web/nav/cList.php and resizing
the browser no longer sends me back to the initial screen. As an added
benefit, I can now access the control panel from my Kindle (which means
holidays won't be as relaxing now, but hey).

Michael, any chance these changes can become permanent? There's really no
need for a complete reload on changing browser window size :(


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