[BlueOnyx:06635] Re: Security -> Failed Logins

Greg Kuhnert gkuhnert at compassnetworks.com.au
Tue Mar 8 04:43:33 -05 2011

On 8/03/2011 12:28 PM, Darrell D. Mobley wrote:
> When I go to the admin server GUI, under Security ->  Failed Logins and click
> the Whois link next to a listing, the whois opens in a popup and then the
> screen with the list of logins goes to an error page: "Forbidden, you don't
> have permission to access the requested file on this server."
Same happens here. The popup works just fine, but for some reason the 
main window goes to a non-existent URL. Have you opened this as a bug in 
TRAC at the blueonyx site for tracking? Opening bugs in TRAC will make 
sure they get looked at when the devs get some time.

> The red or green buttons under Access are hyperlinked but nothing happens.
> What do they do?
The hyperlinks are part of the sausalito gui system - Ignore the 
hyperlinks. Its a status icon only. No clickable function available. 
Green meens we know about this user/host, but not yet blocked. Red means 
we are blocking this user / host right now.


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