[BlueOnyx:06827] Re: slow Sendmail response

webmaster webmaster at oldcabin.net
Mon Mar 28 11:30:30 -05 2011

>After migrating from a low powered BQ box to an 
>overpowered BO box, my users have reported that 
>Sendmail is incredibly slow to respond. They 
>noted that emails sit in their outlook outbox 
>for quite a while before transferring over.

1. After the user presses send, outlook holds the 
mail for a bit before it actually goes out

>I also noticed that if I telnet to port 25, it 
>connects instantly, but it’s a good 10 seconds 
>before I am greeted with a banner.
>Connecting via SSH also exhibits a 10+ second lag before it tries to log in.
>Connecting via the GUI is instantaneous.
>The server is sitting almost idle and is barely 
>working at all (99%id, all others sitting at <0.5%).
>Any ideas on what to check first?

2. My thoughts on the slowness for the above stuff is DNS or reverse DNS maybe?

I am but a rookie here so I would take my info with a grain of salt.

Hopefully the guru will chime in and help you out


>Thank you,
>Roy Urick
>IT Department
>Koorsen Fire & Security
>2719 N Arlington Ave
>Indianapolis, IN 46218
>317-225-5027 (IP Phone x2796)
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