[BlueOnyx:08943] Re: OT: Domain Registries

Mike's List mikelist at leawood.com
Tue Nov 1 16:26:49 -05 2011

On Mon, 31 Oct 2011, Martyn Bailey wrote:

> I'm looking to move 100+ domains, mostly .com from Total
> Registrations as enough is enough and I simply have had my fill of
> them.
> I'd be interested to have recs from folk here as to a good, basic
> registry - I don't need frills - we do all our own DNS, just a good,
> basic, honest and reliable service who you can contact is all I
> need...

I switched back and forth between GoDaddy and Network Solutions.  One or
the other will give good discount.  Anymore, go with a well known registrar
and open additional account(s) with others.  Whoever gives you good rate,
move it.  With 100+ domains you'll see the saving, but more importantly,
you'll have another service ready to migrate domains to if need be.

(Either poor customer service or poor DNS service, etc.).  Have an
additional account and not need it than need it and not have it ready? :-)


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