[BlueOnyx:10103] Re: Vacation message bugs

Chuck Tetlow chuck at tetlow.net
Tue Apr 10 11:00:30 -05 2012

> Two reply cannot get the real email address(Aliases address) in the auto reply msg.
> ### Reply one ###
> Automated Reply from montest1 <montest1@​aaa​.hk>
> ### Reply two ###
> Automated Reply from montest2 <montest1@​aaa​.hk>
> Mon


Lets see.  You send a message to user#1.  That account is set to vacation reply AND forward a copy to user#2.  User#2 is also set to vacation reply, and does so -- to the message you sent to user #1.  Is there a problem here?

You didn't send the message to user#2 - so it won't reply with the address of user#2.  The automated reply will state "you send this message to user#1".

I think any other method would risk potentially revealing the address you have your mail forwarded to - something you might not want.  In other words - I could send a message to user#1, and when the automated reply came back from user#2 -  I now know the address you have your mail forwarded to.  Something I probably don't want others to know - or I would have just given them that second e-mail address!!


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