[BlueOnyx:10593] Testing: 5106R/5107R/5108R YUM updates (ProFTPd, base-ftp and base-swupdate)

Eiji Hamano bluequartz at hypersys.ne.jp
Tue May 15 22:50:57 -05 2012


What and how is  [BlueOnyx-Testing]  ?

I have a ProFTPd problem  on 5106R suddenly.
I like fix it ASAP.

Eiji Hamnao

> Hi all,
> The following updates have been released to the [BlueOnyx-Testing] YUM
> repository:
> proftpd (5106R, 5107R + 5108R):
> ===========================

> Please provide feedback about these updates in [BlueOnyx-Testing], so that
> they can be released to the public YUM repository soon.

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