[BlueOnyx:11584] Re: IPv6 AAAA Record

Chris Gebhardt - VIRTBIZ Internet cobaltfacts at virtbiz.com
Mon Oct 22 15:37:40 -05 2012

Hi Chuck,

Chuck Tetlow wrote:
> Actually Chris - I've seen it work both ways, even inside a single zone 
> file.  I've done my DNS tables by hand with VI for years, so I'm 
> comfortable with that.  But others use tools like Webmin to make 
> changes/additions.  Webmin has a bad habit of putting the entire 
> HOSTNAME.FQDN in the zone file.  (That's also how I can tell what's been 
> changed by someone else!).
> Bind never seems to mind.  It works for those hostnames both before I 
> take out the extra FQDN characters, and after.  So that shouldn't be 
> causing his problem.

Hmmmm.  I have always used only the hostname.  I've been doing that 
since 1996 so I really can't tell you a rhyme or reason for it or that 
one way is "right" and the other is "wrong."   Just that's always how 
I've done it, and that's of course how BlueOnyx generates its zones as well.

Someone else may care to research that one.  Or not.  ;)

> BUT...  What is a "AAAA" record?  The "A" record, I know.  But a "AAAA"????

AAAA record = IPv6 A record

Chris Gebhardt
VIRTBIZ Internet Services
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www.virtbiz.com | toll-free (866) 4 VIRTBIZ

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