[BlueOnyx:11595] Re: Sendmail Authentication errors

David Thacker David at ThackerNet.com
Tue Oct 23 09:22:14 -05 2012

> OK...  had the user change to port 587.  The problem still occurs.
> What is particularly confusing is that it is **ONLY** one or two users
> of several hundred on my server.
> In this particular case, I have 2 users on the same domain (husband &
> wife), traveling, using a Verizon mifi.  SHE is getting these errors...
> HE is not.  She is using either an iphone or her laptop with Outlook
> 2010.  He is using his netbook with (as I recall) Outlook 2003.  (or
> Outlook Express).
> I had her change her SMTP port to 587 and also turn on "my server
> requires authentication."  But it still happens from her outlook
> account.

Hi Will,

Definitely frustrating for both you and your customers.

This is not a solution, but just a general tip that might help. If you 
want to be able to remotely view and control the customer's computer to 
verify that they've got the right email settings, I use and recommend 
Join.Me. It's at https://join.me

The Basic version is free, no need to provide any user info or start a 
trial period or anything like that. Have the customer click on Basic under 
Share Your Screen, then click on the orange play button. That will 
download a super lightweight screen sharing tool, they can Run if prompted 
or save then run. It will connect to the Join.Me server and put up a 
toolbar with a 9 digit session number.

You go to the same join.me website and type in the 9 digit number in the 
Join side, and click the green play button. You'll be connected and can 
then view the customer's screen. If you want to take mouse control, click 
on the mouse icon on the toolbar to request mouse control.

When you're both done and you close Join.Me, it has a checkbox to put a 
shortcut on your desktop. If you say yes you'll have the Join.Me tool 
there for easy use next time, without needing to go to the website again.

There are many many different remote control tools out there, but I find 
Join.Me to be about the simplest lightest one going, and completely free.

Good luck,

dAvid tHacker                                  Email: David at ThackerNet.com
Thacker Network Technologies Inc.                Http://www.ThackerNet.com

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