[BlueOnyx:11302] Problem setting 5107R to german

Christoph Schneeberger cschnee at box.telemedia.ch
Mon Sep 10 02:21:29 -05 2012


I have just finished setting up a 5107R in a OpenVZ VPS and the first 
thing the customer did is switching to german GUI language.
After this all GUI msgs went untranslated and showed up raw. A reboot or 
cced restart didn't fix it. Also the language selection was empty so it 
was impossible to set it back to english which worked.

I did make the following observations:

- Setting the language to german edits /etc/sysconfig/i18n from:
LINGUAS="en_US da_DK de_DE ja_JP"

LINGUAS="en_US da_DK de_DE ja_JP"

After a reboot or cced restart, the file looks like:

LINGUAS="en_US da_DK de_DE ja_JP"

In all cases the menus show untranslated/raw msg strings.

If I set LANG back to en_US and reboot the thing shows up back in 
english as normal, read: with translated msg strings not raw.

I know we have quite some customers who switched their 5106R to german 
without any problems and I am wondering if somebody else can confirm 
this or even maybe has a fix as this customer insists in using german.


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