[BlueOnyx:13539] Re: Spam/Av Message

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Thu Aug 15 13:28:57 -05 2013

Hi David,

> * Support / Maintenance has expired - New updates built after your expiry date

When you purchase software in the BlueOnyx store, you can choose to buy
the software with no support, or 30 days of updates or one year of updates.

Regardless which option you choose: Once the support period is over and
new builds of the purchased software are available, then you receive
that message.

It says what it says: You bought something and newer versions of that
are now available. But they're not covered by your previous purchase.
You can either choose to ignore the message, or can go for an extension
of your update subscription.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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