[BlueOnyx:15681] BlueOnyx 5207R/5208R updates + 5209R news

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Fri Jul 18 18:31:53 -05 2014

Hi all,

I just published a variety of YUM updates for BlueOnyx 5207R/5208R:

Todays updates:

- base-sitestats: Date range selector defaulted to 10-10-2010. Changed
to todays date.

- base-console: Fixed an error message that displayed once there were
blocked hosts.

- base-ssl: In non-English GUI settings the translation header was shown
instead of a blank country entry for the AdmServ SSL certificate.

- base-apache: The Apache preview configuration redirected calls such as
http://host/login to the incorrect login page URL. Fixed.

- sausalito-cce: The Apache configuration redirected calls such as
http://host/login to the incorrect login page URL. Fixed.

Many thanks to all who reported these issues.

Already fixed:

The ISO's and OS templates from the 15th installed the incorrect CMU and
Shell tools. This has been corrected via an update to the YUM
repositories and the correct CMU and Shell tools will be installed
automatically during a YUM update. Updated ISOs with a release date of
17th July have been published, too.  But like said: The issue can be
fixed via a YUM update run anyway. The new ISO's are just there for the
added comfort.


There seems to be a problem with CMU on 5207R/5208R. This will be fixed
within the next 24 hours.

Announcement about BlueOnyx 5209R:

Preliminary development of BlueOnyx 5209R on CentOS 7 has started a few
days ago. However, after getting an overview over the system- and
architectural changes we decided not to do a 5209R release in the
immediate close future.

Don't get me wrong there: We will eventually provide BlueOnyx 5209R for
CentOS 7 and/or Scientific Linux 7. But don't expect it within the next
month or two. It'll be ready when it's done and that might take a while.

The somewhat peculiar decision of RedHat to switch EL7 to Systemd as
startup service introduces enough fundamental changes (and a few minor
challenges) that we rather want to take the time to do a "pretty good"
release instead of one that "just works".

Systemd has the ability to start services a hell of a lot faster
(shortening reboot and startup time), can automatically restart failed
services, can mount encrypted disks non-interactively, can do things
similar to chroots and a whole deal more. Which also means that it is
also horribly complex and just does things a lot different than we're
all used to. And there is some functionality in Systemd that is well
worth exploring for potential usage in BlueOnyx. That is: Beyond just
starting and stopping services.

So instead the time in between will be used 100% to fix any reported
bugs in 5207R/5208R as rapidly as possible so that we can announce it
ready for production. Likewise the porting of third party packages to
5207R/5208R will start immediately to wrap that up soonest.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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