[BlueOnyx:16157] Re: custom sendmail.mc setting

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Mon Oct 13 14:17:29 -05 2014

Hi Tobias,

> we need to change the value for "confCACERT" in sendmail.mc.
> Do BO-updates and changes done via the GUI respect this or
> will it get changed eventually?

I just checked what it says on a BlueOnyx:

[root at 5207r ]# cat /etc/mail/sendmail.mc|grep confCACERT

Why would you need to change that?

As is, the GUI handles the certificates in sendmail.mc. So whenever you
modify the SSL settings for Admserv it might revert these lines back to
"stock". When you change the Sendmail settings via the GUI, sendmail.mc
will be edited and a sendmail.cf will be built from it. That *might*
leave manual 'confCACERT' changes in place, but I won't vouch for it.

Whenever a new base-blueonyx RPM is released (doesn't happen that often)
it brings a new "stock" sendmail.mc aboard, which is stored in
/usr/sausalito/configs/sendmail/sendmail.mc and is used as template for
changes and rebuilds.

Lastly, if you have the AV-SPAM v6.0.0 installed: It has it's own
template for sendmail.mc residing at

base-blueonyx uses /usr/sausalito/configs/sendmail/sendmail.mc for
rebuilds, unless the AV-SPAM (v5 or v6) is installed. Then it instead
uses the one supplied by the AV-SPAM for rebuilds.

So manually changing the 'confCACERT' will sporadically revert back
depending on GUI usage, third party software and/or BlueOnyx updates.

It would make more sense to change the file or paths that the two
'confCACERT' lines point to. That way it won't matter.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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