[BlueOnyx:15958] Re: couple of bugs when creating new sites in new GUI

bluequartz at ozin.com bluequartz at ozin.com
Sun Sep 14 04:56:27 -05 2014

Michael says:

> I see. I thought we were talking about the diskspace setting for anonymous
FTP. That has the (MB) at the end.
> Diskspace for Vsites and Users works the same. You can specify units. If
you don't, then Megabytes will be assumed.

I know it works the same but my original point still applies, which was:

  When setting the Maximum Allowed Disk Space for a site you see this text
    Maximum Allowed Disk Space
    (1.00 - 64.60G)

  This reads to me as if any number you type in here is in GB but I found
that if you put 1 in here it is in fact 1M not 1G
  Just needs better explanatory text.

If only to be consistent with other areas.

Jason Ozin

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