[BlueOnyx:15995] Re: CentOS OR Scientific Linux ?

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Sun Sep 21 16:54:10 -05 2014

Hi Kenneth,

> My question is: which system should I install...
> 5208R CentOS 6...because I'm used to cOS
> OR 
> 5208R Scientific Linux 6 because it's said to be better supported

I kinda summed that up on this page:


In the end Scientific in CentOS doesn't really matter. You'll have a
hard time to spot any differences. They're fully compatible to each
other and the handling is no different.

Both use the same RedHat SRMPs to build RPMs and at the end of the day
the only meaningful difference is the speed with which both release

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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